Inspire Me Mondays: Abundance is already yours…

Peace Soulstars,

Energy goes where attention flows.  If you continuously focus on lack, that is what you will attract.  Forget about saving gratitude for Thanksgiving ( a man made holiday).  Gratitude everyday!  Don’t forget to double the gratitude when you get to where you’re trying to go.  It’s even more crucial then.

Love and Light,


Self Care Friday: We become what we do…

Peace Soulstars,

Let’s talk about something that has changed my life since 2013 and taught me the importance of self care…Yoga.  My first official yoga class was in 2013.  It was bikram yoga also known as “hot yoga”.  The name in and of itself is a bit intimidating when you haven’t experienced hot yoga before.  I was having a rough day and a friend of mine texted me about going to hot yoga class with her.

A part of me didn’t feel like it because I was in a horrible mood.  The other part had been curious about taking an actual yoga class with other people of all levels. I had done yoga at home for years but never took a class.  It was more about convenience I guess.

When my friend asked me to come to class with her, I had just taken my social work licensure exam and failed it.  I felt terrible but didn’t need to.  It was only a test.  All I know is that I told my husband about my invite to yoga and he encouraged me to go despite how I felt.  So, I went.  It was one of the best decisions I made for myself.

I remember at the beginning of the class while we were in child’s pose focusing on the breath I thought to myself “This is awesome.”…Just from breathing alone.  The instructor said the words which were music to my soul “Let go of all of the shit from this week”.  I needed to hear that and I did.  I began to learn the art of letting go that day and it felt amazing.

I had done yoga before but there was something different about this time.  I did yoga for “fitness” before but this time I had a reason beyond getting the poses right.  I got on the mat not for physical exercise but for my spirit. Later, I learned that it’s called yoga flow for a reason.  It starts with awareness, the breath, spirit, mind and the body follows.

My spirits were low and needed uplifting.  My peace of mind was shook by an external conditions and I allowed that to happen.  I learned that my peace of mind is not contingent upon passing a test or how others perceive me or any other extenuating circumstances.  I cannot control what goes on outside of myself but I can control what goes on within me.

I proceeded to fall in love with yoga and kept it up for almost a year two to three times a week.  Once I discovered pure barre I alternated between yoga and barre.  Nothing ever felt like yoga though. Nothing ever compared.

Fast forward to today.  I’ve been practicing yoga at home about three or more days a week.  Recently I participated in a challenge (twelve days of yoga) which motivated me to practice daily even if only for ten minutes.  The benefits are endless and the little improvements you notice as days progress are profound.  Sometimes I do yoga twice a day(morning and evening) depending.

Over the years,  I always kept yoga in my routine along with other forms of body work (exercise).  So, I would do yoga once or twice a week at home along with pure barre which I had done for a few years (2013-2015).  It was great.  I love pure barre too but nothing was like yoga.  Yoga is soul work when you fully embrace it.

Prior to starting yoga, I thought it was about fitness but had a mindful component to it.  It’s actually the other way around and more.  Yoga means “union”.   We could get into sanskrit terms but for now I’ll keep it simple.  Mind, body, and spirit become aligned when you become yoga.  They unite.

When you break down the many aspects of mind, body, spirit there are many other components within.  We don’t “do” yoga, we become yoga.  When we become it, our soul is illuminated.  Everything else falls into place.  You may not be into yoga which is fine but I am.

Books like The Bhagavad Gita by Eknath Easwaran (although there are many translations available) and Osho’s Mind, Body, Balancing as well as others have all increased my interest in yoga. I’ve begun diving deeper beyond the surface of how yoga is presented in western culture.  Oh, India how I would love to come experience you full circle….One day.

Just be mindful that movement is necessary.  Stagnant energy that doesn’t get released finds places to hide within.  If that stagnant energy doesn’t get shaken up regularly, it can eventually develop into physical ailments and conditions making you sick.  We become what we do, so choose wisely.

Love and light,




Inspire Me Mondays: Everything is a process

Peace Soulstars,

So, I’ve been quite the yogi that I didn’t realize that I would become recently after participating in a yoga challenge.  It’s still in progress and I’m learning a lot along the way.  I noticed the other day when some old habits started to creep up on me.  I had to shut them down.  That’s progress in itself because I didn’t always shit it down.  I let it take over…

I was practicing sugar cane pose; a challenge for me right now.  It’s a process.  Everything is. While practicing, I got frustrated at one point and plopped down on the couch feeling slightly defeated.

I immediately acknowledged my reaction and chose not to let this temporary situation keep me from pushing forward.  Besides, I’m not a quitter. Quitting doesn’t resonate with me.  So, I got back up and tried it again.

I realized that this is the same way I reacted to challenges in the past. I’d get so focused on where I want to be that I forget to embrace where I am at the time.  I forget to acknowledge that this is life.  This is a part of the process of growth and evolution.  I was also reminded that yoga is beyond physical fitness.

Yoga was not created to become the fitness craze it has morphed into in western society.  It’s a lifestyle that requires more mental effort than physical.  Actually, it begins and ends on the spiritual level.  That takes time to develop and is not something you can just jump into.  It defeats the purpose and a total disrespect to the culture.

The takeaway?  Don’t take yourself or life too seriously.  Embrace the stages of life and try not to force things to happen.  Forcing things pushes you out of alignment and sets you back.  If it doesn’t happen naturally, it’s not meant to be.

You will get there when it’s your time to get there. Until then, take your time and embrace the stages.  Acknowledge the frustration but don’t let it keep you from moving forward.

Love and light,


Broken but not destroyed

“And she always had a way with her brokenness…She would take her pieces and make them beautiful…”~R.M. Drake

Peace Soulstars,

When faced with difficult circumstances sometimes we’re left feeling incomplete.  That feeling often leads to depression, anxiety and other emotional issues.  When left untreated or not addressed,  these issues eat away at our spirit.  Some describe the feeling as being broken.  In a way you are because you’re out of alignment with your spirit.  Spirit gives you life.

Those feelings you get are an indication from your spirit that it needs healing.  The hope lies in your ability to heal yourself.  Healing is possible and most certainly can resolve feeling broken.  What matters is not that you’ve been broken but how you put the pieces back together.

I admire those who manage to endure the unimaginable yet they come back stronger than they were before.  Think of Tina Turner aka Anna Mae Bullock and how she overcame drug addiction and physical abuse.  She found freedom through meditation after being introduced to Buddhism by a friend.  Tina found a way to put the pieces back together right when she was about to give up.  That’s alchemy.  She’s an alchemist.  We’re all alchemists but we’ve forgotten how to use our abilities.

Sometimes we use our power unconsciously because it’s a part of our nature.  We use our power but can’t recall how it works.  We believe that someone or something else is responsible when the outcome is in our favor.   So, we downplay it as coincidence, luck etc.

We externalize our power instead of acknowledging that it’s within us.   We allow people, circumstances and other outside influences to gain control of our feelings. This throws the spirit off because it’s been pushed out of the driver’s seat.  It’s not used to being a passenger.  I either lost you there or you’re following me.

You may be able to think of more but I can guarantee at least two takeaways from this:

  1.  No situation is permanent unless you choose to make it permanent.
  2. Sometimes you break because you need to in order to become what you were meant to become.

Love and light,





Peace Soulstars,

Hello to all of you beautiful people.  Unfortunately, once again I’ve managed to let time pass without blogging regularly.  Thanks to computer issues (damn Mac chargers are the worst!) and of course…life, I was unable to blog like I wanted to.  I could’ve done so from my phone which isn’t a bad idea. I may start doing that sometimes but it’s not the same.  Although, I have to be honest in saying that I think I bit off a little more than I could chew.  I went from more of free flow blogging to daily blogging which was good information but ultimately became too much for me to keep up with.  It wasn’t my style to just blog for the sake of blogging.  When that happens it becomes less authentic and more contrived.  The latter doesn’t resonate with me at all. Needless to say, from now on I’ll be blogging more regularly.

I  have so much to share from all things spirituality to some great recipes using foods that increase your vibration and of course mental health.  I’ve discovered some meditation techniques that work for pain reduction and anxiety especially a good one for menstrual pain.  Oh, and I haven’t updated you on how I was able to heal myself from an ovarian cyst that I was diagnosed with late last year.  Yoga, meditation, diet and just overall lifestyle changes work wonders!

The more I read, open my mind to new ways of thinking and appreciate different perspectives the more I learn.  I cannot wait to share what I’ve learned with you.  You can also check me out on instagram (check the side bar for that link).  I check in with random thoughts and thought provoking info regularly on the gram.

Be on the look out for new posts this week!



Spiritual Thursdays: Embrace the yang with the yin

Photo from Ivan

Peace Soulstars,

What is spirituality anyway?  Do we even know or do we just adopt a definition that has been passed down from generation to generation? Do we ever take into consideration how we perceive spirituality as individuals?  As I began diving deep in the beginning of my spiritual journey I put far too much pressure on myself to “be positive” all of the time.  I eventually learned that this isn’t possible.   It’s actually not healthy to try to be positive all of the time.  I used to think that spirituality has a specific meaning but in actuality it doesn’t.  It’s subjective and really has more to do with the individual, their intention, and perception.  One aspect of spirituality that is universal is that it involves consciousness.

To me, spirituality has to do with expanding my consciousness of self,  with my higher self, God, nature, the world, other people in a way that connects us all.  Ultimately, we are all one but we’ve been bombarded with a bunch of b.s. that has programmed us to believe that we are separate.  Granted, I do appreciate those aspects of us as individuals which make us unique but we’ve become a society which has placed so much emphasis on differences that we’ve created division, hierarchy, control, hate, conflict, war and many other social constructs that do not serve us.

I support the concept of being the change you want to see no matter who you are, or what race, religion, socioeconomic status, political affiliation etc.  We are ALL capable of doing just that.  That is what furthered my interest into diving deeper in my spirituality.  I have learned that I have some unresolved issues which have slowed my progress of evolving as a spiritual being.  I placed so much focus on this physical world that I lost myself along the way.  At the same time I’ve realized that those dark moments were a part of my journey.

Life is very complex and it serves me best based on my experience to embrace those dark moments for what they are.  Just go with the flow and sit in those feelings because when you ignore them and get distracted you’re going to have to face them at some point because there is always a yang to the yin.  Positive and negative forces can be interchangeable, one in the same, both sides of the same coin.  However you look at it,  you cannot have one without the other. That’s what makes this life beautiful.  Blessings to you all always during the holidays and after! Positive and high vibes to you all!

Love and Light,



Inspire Me Mondays: Evolve Anyway!

“As you evolve you will make a lot of people uncomfortable…EVOLVE ANYWAY!”

Peace Soulstars,

Not everyone will get you.  When you start making changes in your life other people  will criticize what they don’t understand.  Don’t entertain it…You are under NO obligation to fit a mold that other people set for you that includes your parents, family members, so-called friends…Whoever…Your life is YOUR life.  You don’t have to be the same person you were yesterday, last week, or years ago.  You are not your mistakes, anything that happened to you, or what people want you to be.  If they want to hold old shit over your head that’s not your problem.  You don’t have to meet other people’s needs, wants, or expectations of what they think you should be.  If they don’t understand you it’s not your job to convince them of anything.

Continue to be great and be even greater when they try to interrupt your flow.

Love and Light,


Spiritual Thursdays: Attention Goes Where Energy Flows



Peace Soulstars,

Many say “attention goes where energy flows”.  In other words, this means that input determines output.  This concept is related to the law of attraction which is somewhat controversial because some feel that it’s b.s.  It depends on the situation, individual, circumstances and many other factors whether the law of attraction rings true.  Generally speaking,  It’s quite accurate but feel free to test the theory.  In the meantime, I’ll do what works for me.

Think of how you start your day off on the wrong foot and then as you continue to go throughout the day you are still harping on that one thing that went wrong.  Enter a never ending series of complaints… Inevitably, a few more unlikely situations follow the rhythm that you set for the day.  Once you start off with the intentions that have a negative undertone you’re setting yourself up for failure.  The best way to set the rhythm for the day is to start off understanding and knowing that first, no day is “perfect”.

You choose whether or not you will let situations control you or not based on your reaction.  Then, decide to focus your energy on what serves your highest and greatest good.  Easier said than done….I know. Trust me when I say it’s possible.  I’ve come a LOOOOONNNNGGG way.

Love and Light,






Spiritual Thursdays: The Science of Change

“You have the power over your health and wellbeing.  You are in control of your cells and your genes.  Your thoughts and environment can heal you from the inside out…”

Peace Soulstars,

My current obsession besides moon cycles (Did you see that beautiful Supermoon?), and epsom salt baths in the moonlight is Epigenetics.  I didn’t know that what I’ve been discussing with my husband for the past few days actually has a name.  The nature of our conversations have been about how family trauma that goes back to your ancestors can affects us all.   In a nutshell, any thought processes, behavior patterns, experiences and circumstances which had a tremendous impact on your ancestors on down to your parents affects you.  The operative  concept has to do with dna codes.

Genetics involves the effect that your genes have on your body and how it works.  So, when we talk about the mind, body, soul connection it’s not  fluff or some “hippy dippy b.s.” that some like to try to label it as to support their denial.  There is a scientific basis to back this up.  We see this on a regular in society.  Therapists see it firsthand with their clients.  We can try every therapeutic technique in the universe but if the client doesn’t put in work all of the time and energy spent in therapy will be for naught.  Where does epigenetics come into play in this whole process?

Well, not only do you inherit your parents hair texture or color, eye color, body structure, personality traits, etc.  You can also inherit the effects of their lifestyles, traumas, and other external stimuli that they’ve been exposed to.  These effects  serve as “marks” on your DNA.  They also affect how the genes in your DNA function.   If your mother or father were once addicted to drugs or alcohol even prior to you being born this “behavior” or for the sake of being politically correct, this “illness” can be passed on to you unless you reprogram your DNA.  I was listening to a podcast  “The Friend Zone” (Loud Speakers Network) in which one of the hosts, Fran (HeyFranHey) brought up the topic of epigenetics.  Fran , Assante, and Dustin coined the term “breaking the code” which is the equivalent to reprogramming your DNA because the DNA code determines your level of functioning.

“Breaking the code” or “reprogramming your DNA” entail being a free thinker at least to a limited extent but preferably to go beyond one purpose.  With all of that said, if the drug or alcohol addicted parents have two or more kids their lifestyles will determine whether or not they fall victim to the same addictions as their parents.  Pretty simple to understand right?  Well, executing this process may not be depending on many factors which include the child’s susceptibility to risk factors, how the situation is approached The good thing about all of this is if those “marks” are counteractive to you functioning in major parts of your life you can alter the code so to speak.  You cannot do anything about what you initially inherit but you can change how it affects you.

It is a similar concept to using meditation to change the molecular structure of your brain.  Epigenetics supports the whole idea that you have the power to heal yourself.  The key is first realizing this and second figuring out how to use your power.  This goes back to Inspire Me Mondays living from the inside out.  You can do your research on all of this.   It’s a pretty fascinating topic and I’m happy that all roads are leading me to exploring this further.  There’s so much information on the internet, in books,  etc.  I plan to add epigenetics to my long list of topics to look into.  This won’t be the last mentioning of it either.

Love and Light,


Spiritual Thursdays: You don’t have a soul, you are a soul


Peace Soulstars,

On Thursdays,  we’ll be focusing on Spirituality.  Spirituality plays a huge part in who I am and everything that I do.  It’s the motivation behind this blog and what has led me to become a numerology believing, crystal toting, heavily praying, reading, and meditating spiritual warrior.   We’re each a masterpiece but also a work in progress because we’re always learning.  Spiritual journeys are unique to the individual.  My experiences have sent me on a roller coaster of emotions from being speechless to  tears at times.  This is a topic that some can’t handle because of a lack of understanding.  I’ll never try to force anyone to believe anything they don’t want to believe.  That’s not what I’m about.  I’m  about helping people to vibrate higher by walking the walk.

Spirituality is subjective.  My experience is exclusive to me and me alone. There may be others who can relate and have similar experiences but no two are the same.  Some cannot relate at all and will probably call me weird or crazy.  That’s fine but respect my “house” aka this blog, the readers, this space…me.  This is a no judgment zone.  If only we could respect our differences more and see them as opportunities to learn more about each other instead of contributing to division we could change the world.  Scratch that…We ARE changing the world little by little the more we raise awareness and consciousness by practicing what we preach.

Speaking of practicing what we preach,  it’s imperative when you’re in the “helping” field i.e. social worker, therapist, teacher etc.  Honestly, I think it’s imperative no matter what your career field.   As a counselor,  I used to heavily emphasize that it should be priority that we continue to educate ourselves not only on therapeutic techniques but on self; self-awareness that is.  When our self awareness is weak,  we fail to realize that we cannot be of service to anyone especially not in the helping capacity.  That’s what led me to exploring a deeper sense of my mind, body, connection and share it with you.

I’m no expert.  I’m learning just like you.   I’m always in learning mode.  I know more now than I did years ago but the awakening experience is so much more complex than some think. This is a space for questions, learning, checking each other (and ourselves) respectfully and enjoying the ride. It’s a journey consisting of many twists and turns.  You fall and it may take you a while but you get back up.  You sometimes think you’re losing your mind but if you just keep going and remain vigilant you’ll reach a point of calm after the storm.

I look forward to sharing my spiritual journey with you and I hope that some of you are inspired to share your story as well.  I’ll leave you with this.  There’s a reason we question certain things, why we start to change the way we eat and live as a whole.  Your soul is in the process of shedding all of the layers that have kept it from shining.  You are light.   You are so much more than your physical body; far beyond what this material world could ever provide.

Love and Light,
